Saturday 19 September 2015


FOR, you are ready to focus on how you are going to
get it. It’s time to take a look at how different companies
pay their representatives.
Every network marketing company has a compensation plan or a marketing plan that sets out clearly what you have to do to get what you want.
The common denominator of all legitimate plans is that payments are based
on the sales you generate, both from personal sales and the
sales of people you recruit. The higher your total sales, the more you will earn. If you are lucky, the plan will be simple and easy to understand. But many plans seem confusing and complicated, especially to newcomers.
Don’t be deterred. As the business has developed, so have the plans. Most good ones specifically focus on key behaviors required to build a successful downline organization. A strong downline—that is, the people you recruit and train and from whose sales you also earn a commission—is at the heart of success. As you learn the plan, you are learning what you must do to maximize your income.
If you understand the plan you can explain it clearly and enthusiastically to prospective recruits. When you do a good job they, in turn, will be able to explain it clearly and enthusiastically to their prospective recruits. Now your entire organization is focusing on the most productive areas.
This is what you need to know regardless of what plan you are working with:
The most basic principle of network marketing is duplication—
selling product, and recruiting others to sell product and recruit others, over and over and over. This is what all plans are designed to encourage and reward.
You will be paid a percentage of the total sales you generate, usually monthly, although some companies work on four-week, two-week, or one-week cycles.
Your percentage will increase as you reach and maintain
higher levels (also known as ranks). This is designed to encourage
you to build your business and reward you for consistent
Your rank is based on your personal sales and the sales of everyone you recruit, both directly (known as first levels) and indirectly (the people your first levels recruit down the line, known as second and third levels, etc). Collectively, these people are known as your personal group (or downline).
How quickly you reach each rank will depend on how hard you work and how skilled you are at marketing your products and your business opportunity.
If you grow your business steadily, your income will rise month by month, subject to the fluctuating demand for your products throughout the year.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Most companies allocate approximately the same percentage of total sales to pay their representatives. However, each company structures its plan slightly differently. As one example, some plans pay a small percentage on the sales of everyone you recruit, whereas others require that you recruit a set number of people and reach a combined sales target before you are paid on your recruits. Another example is the difference in how much you have to sell personally to earn higher commissions.

The four most common plans currently in use (making up 98 percent of all plans) are:

    1. Stairstep or Breakaway
    2. Hybrid Unilevel or Unigen
    3. Forced Matrix
    4. Binary

The following brief description of each will help you make sense of them:
Stairstep or Breakaway Plans have been around the longest and are used by approximately 62 percent of companies. The key details are:

✯ There is no limit on how many people you can recruit.
✯ There is no limit on how many people you may have as first levels (your top line).
✯ Your personal recruits (first-level) form a new line (or leg).
✯ The people they recruit become your second levels, third levels, etc.
✯ You earn commission on your personal group (your top line and the people they recruit).
✯ To qualify for commission you are expected to meet a monthly personal and group target.
✯ You climb ‘‘stairs’’ to qualify at each level, where you are rewarded by higher percentages.
✯ You earn commission on your breakaway groups (legs that achieve a higher rank) as long as you stay ahead of them by being promoted to a higher rank yourself.
✯ The more first-level recruits you have, the stronger your business will be, because when one recruit breaks away you have others to maintain the balance.

Companies using Stairstep or Breakaway Plans include Amway, Mary Kay and Longrich.

Hybrid Unilevel or Unigen Plans are used by approximately 18 percent of companies. The key details are:

✯ Similarly to Stairstep/Breakaway Plans, Hybrid Unilevel or Unigen Plans pay commission on personal and breakaway groups.
✯ You are encouraged to recruit your customers, who are commonly known as Associates or Members.
✯ Associates receive wholesale buying privileges and may order directly from the company. Although they mostly buy for themselves, some service a small customer base.
✯ You generally earn a higher commission on personal recruits than with other types of plans.
Nu Skin is an example of a company using this type of plan.
Forced Matrix Plans are used by about 12 percent of companies. The key details are:

✯ There is a limit to how many people you may personally recruit across your top line (this is known as a limited matrix).
✯ Your personal recruits are one line below you, meaning your direct recruits are known as your second level, your second level recruits are known as your third levels, etc.
✯ The number of downline levels (called depth) you may have is also capped.
✯ Any people you recruit over your limit will drop a level. This is known as spillover.

Melaleuca is one example of a company with a Forced Matrix Plan.
Binary Plans are used by about 6 percent of companies. The
key details are:

✯ You can only recruit two people, or legs, as your first levels.
✯ Any additional first-level recruits become your second levels, etc.
✯ You are paid on the sales of the weaker of your two legs.
✯ You may be allowed to carry unpaid sales forward.
✯ Some plans allow you to form a second matrix.
Companies using Binary Plan include USANA, Global Wealth Trade and Helping hands International.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Understanding Your Plan
You only have to learn it once, and it will fall into place as you put it into practice. Taking the time to understand your plan will give you the knowledge and confidence to share it with others. A cursory knowledge of other types of plans may help you deal with questions from prospective recruits.

To separate the key points of your plan from jargon and hype, look for the answers to these questions:

✯ What will I be paid on my personal sales?
✯ How much must I personally sell to earn the highest commission on my sales?
✯ What will I be paid on my first-level recruits, that is, the people I personally recruit?
✯ What will I be paid on my personal group, that is, including my indirect recruits (the people recruited by the people I personally recruit)?
✯ How much must my group sales total for me to earn the highest commission on its sales?
✯ What will I be paid on my breakaway groups?
✯ What do I have to do to be paid on my breakaway
✯ What will I be paid on my total business?
Additional questions to ask yourself are:

✯ What level on the plan will I aim for?
✯ What do I have to do to reach that level?

The most appealing aspect of all plans is that they clearly mark out key mileposts en route to your destination. Once you calculate how much time you will allocate to your business and factor in your current skill level, you will be able to set a realistic rank to aim for in your first year. This will enable you to calculate your income.

Culled from Be a Network Marketing Superstar by Mary Christensen with Wayne Christensen

Tuesday 15 September 2015


Longrich received from GlaxoSmithKline Plc, the British pharmaceutical giant a reward for being one its best suppliers for the year 2014. Furthermore, Longrich was rated four-star supplier by GSK's auditors in 2014 which represents the top honor a GSK supplier can possibly receive at best in China.
Known as a global leader in research and development of pharma and healthcare items, GSK's products have been sold all over the world. The Sensodyne toothpaste series is an example of their '' excellency '' character, which is renowned for its rigorous production process, consistent product quality and meticulous test standards. Most notably, Sensodyne Anhydrous Toothpaste is so sophisticated that it takes an amazing 12 hours to complete the whole production process as opposed to 3 - 4 hours that ordinary toothpastes normally take to make.
The Story
Back in 2008, GSK conducted a research on China market in an attempt to identify a supplier for its star product Sensodyne which were intended for GSK China market. GSK visited many toothpaste manufacturers across China back then and Longrich was among them. Technical experts from TSKF also made many visits to Longrich and did stringent auditing on its production facilities. In October, 2010, the first batch of Synsodyne toothpaste proved a success, which catapulted Longrich onto GSK global suppliers list and also marked Longrich product quality conformance with GSK global standards.

<img src="" border="0"></a>

In 2013, the new intelligent factory which Longrich invested RMB 600 M to build came into operation. The plant occupying an area of 80,000m2 has several workshops capable of producing skin care and cleaning products, toothpaste, mouthwash, bath salt, talcum powder, makeup, soap, etc., which can deliver an annual output value of more than RMB 10 billion. Moreover, in order to meet GSK high standards on quality and efficiency, latest machineries from international leading brands including Norton/IWK filling machine, 3000L GEA paste reactor all were then introduced in multiple toothpaste production lines. As Longrich has made continual improvement and constantly meets GSK high quality standards, the cooperation between the two companies on toothpaste production got smoother over the years.

Future perspective

‘Information technology and industrialization are at the core of 2025 Made in China Plan to transform China from a world factory to an industrial powerhouse with the aid of Internet and manufacturing’ said Mr. Xu Zhiwei, the chairman of Longrich Group.
Longrich intelligent factory has ushered Longrich manufacturing into Industrial 4.0 Era. Longrich will continue to improve its production facilities in HQ and Chengdu, and in the meantime build new factories.

Personal Branding: Sell “Yourself” First

I was talking to someone the other day about their network marketing company. We were talking products, compensation plans, team building, selling the dream. You know the typical network marketing conversation.
The person said something to me that I have heard so many times and have often said myself. You have probably heard it or even said it before.
“These products sell themselves.”
I was thinking about it later and realized this is an absurd statement. If they sell themselves, why are we trying to sell them? Think about it.
I know, I am taking it too literally, but it got me thinking.
Depending upon what company you are involved with, there are thousands, tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people that are all selling the same product/s and opportunity that you are.
Why should someone buy from you, or us, or anyone? They don’t need to buy from us or join our business.
I am sure if they do a Google search for said product/company, they will find hundreds or thousands of people lining up with a big smile on their face wanting to convince them that they are the best sponsor in the company.
In reality most sponsors don’t have a whole lot more to offer than the next sponsor.
I mean of course they do, but so many of us are so focused on selling products and pitching the opportunity, that our prospects never have the chance to see what we personally have to offer.
Here is the reality.
Of course our prospects need to be excited about our products, but what they really want to be pitched and sold on, is YOU. They want to know that you are the right person for them to partner up with.
They will be looking for some guidance at first, someone to show them the ropes. They’re going to need a brainstorming buddy, right?  They might need someone to motivate them when they need it. Heck they may even need a friend.
So what are you saying Jason? I need to do a better job of selling myself?
Yes, and I really don’t need to say much more about that. You need to do some personal branding and sell yourself first.
It is pretty simple.
Show them what you offer. Get to know them. Show them you care by asking questions about them, and don’t be so quick to pitch your products and your opportunity.
After you have talked about your company and answered their questions, continue to showcase what you have to offer.
Ok, but that is not the point of this blog post.
The point is for us to teach you how to sell yourself before you ever even talk to your prospects.
And here is a little secret.
If you do this well enough, you may not even talk to some of your prospects prior to them joining you and your opportunity.
That’s right, you might wake up and discover someone you have never heard of joined your business last night.
How cool would that be?
So here is how you do it. You need to sell yourself first by building your own Personal Brand.
Building a personal brand goes hand in hand with content marketing (which is what this site is all about if you haven’t discovered).
Content marketing is providing a specific group of people (a niche) with valuable information and resources in order to help them find solutions to a challenge they are struggling with.
If we want people to buy from us, we need to provide them with tons of value.
If you follow along with us, we will teach you how to choose a niche, provide lots of value to this niche, and then watch them come to you to buy things and/or join you in your business with little to no effort on your part.
I take part of that back.
I don’t want to give you the impression that this won’t require a lot of effort.
In fact, in the beginning, it is going to require a ton of effort and hard work on your part, but the hard work can turn into a couple hours of work per day if you play your cards right.
How do you do that? Follow our lead!
Ok, back to what I was saying.
By doing this (building your business through content marketing), you will essentially be building your own personal brand. You will sell people on you first, and your products and opportunity second.
Building and marketing your own personal brand has many benefits.
Like I have already said, it will give you the opportunity to sell your prospects on you first and your products and opportunity second. This is just a better way to sell, period.
Building your own brand will also give you the opportunity to sell other products that aren’t related to your current MLM Company.
Maybe you develop your own training course that you sell, or you offer personal coaching or consulting. You could sell other affiliate products. The sky is the limit.
Having your own brand offers you some protection in the unfortunate event that something happens to your company.
So many people go from hero to zero overnight because they are at the mercy of their MLM Company.
If you can build a strong personal brand and sell people on you and the value you bring to the table, you will find that people want to partner up with you and get involved in whatever you are doing, regardless of the product or opportunity.
Remember that we are going to help you through the process of choosing your niche, building your brand, and promoting yourself to thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people.

Here are a few things that we need to think about when we are creating our own Personal Brand.

1)      Know who your audience is. Know what they struggle with. Know what they need. Choose your niche wisely.
2)      Promote your own name. Hint: this is the name that your parents gave you. No need to be fancy.
3)      Know your story and how it ties to your audience. Be able to tell your story in a way where your audience can relate to you and your experiences.
4)      Decide what you want to be known for. Pick one or two things. Example: We are known for helping network marketers generate leads for their business, and we teach people how to use content marketing to attract people to themselves and their business.
5)      Create a tagline that tells people what you offer. Our tag line is:  WE help network marketers get more leads, provide more value, and make more money.
6)      Be yourself and have fun. Show people who you really are. Keep it real. That is what sells. Everyone knows when we are putting on an act and trying to be someone we’re not.
7)      Be consistent with your message. If you are following our lead and use your own personal blog, blog often. Your people will be looking for your next post (as long as you are providing valuable content).
8)      Keep your eye on the big picture. Remember that your personal brand is not about a specific thing, product, or opportunity. It is about you, and everything you have to offer now and in the future. You probably have no idea what you will have to offer in the future. I know I don’t.
So there are some things to consider while you are creating and promoting your own personal brand

By Jason Kaesten

Monday 14 September 2015


Dear Esteemed Members,

Due to your unrelenting effort and amiable contributions to the development of this great company, Longrich has decided to reward your effort by giving you the opportunity to upgrade to a new level.
This upgrade will last from 7th September to 26th September, 2015.

The details are carefully listed as follows:
1.   Balance your PV to 240 and upgrade to gold
2.   Balance your PV to 720 and upgrade to Platinum
3.   Balance your PV to 1680 and upgrade to Platinum VIP.

To avoid mis-understanding on the Upgrade Promo which is going on, we would like to further explain the promo by using the example as follows:

QUESTION A: Before promo started, Member A accumulated 230PV (Upgrade order), and he wants to upgrade to Gold by using this promo, if he purchases 10PV to balance his PV to 240PV before promo ends, would he be upgraded to Gold?  
ANSWER: No. He needs to buy minimum 50PV of upgrade order to be upgraded, because there are 2 conditions: 1: Total upgrade order should be no less than 240PV 2: Minimum Upgrade Purchased during the promo period should not be less than 50PV.

<img src="" border="0"></a>

QUESTION B: Before promo started, Member B accumulated 240PV already, how can he be upgraded if he is still silver?
ANSWER: Buy 50PV upgrade order before promo ends, you would be upgraded to gold;

NOTE: If you want to Upgrade to the next level, you need to buy 50PV at least in this Period of time.

Thanks for your wonderful cooperation and thanks for choosing Longrich Marketing Platform.

Sharing is caring. Please inform your friends and family of this business opportunity.


Longrich Distributor:
All NEW upgraded Star Directors of Longrich International Market before December 31, 2015 are qualified to win a SCHOLARSHIP recommendation for themselves or one person of their choice to study a Bachelor Degree at Soochow University.
The Beneficiary:
·        Longrich Scholarship covers all Tuition and Admission Fees at Soochow University.
·        All successful scholarship beneficiaries are automatically eligible to obtain internships placement at Longrich during holidays or when available.
·        Secure and develop an international career with Longrich.
·        Join a multicultural network of students and talents from all over the world.
v 4 years program +50 different majors
18 years old or more, in good health, high school diploma, interested and wanting to pursue a higher education in China



       Which qualification should I have if I want to be a Longrich Stockist?
 1) A valid and active Longrich Platinum VIP member.
 2)  Must have attained Diamond 4 and above.
 3) Willing to work full time and has a team no less than 100 people.
 4)  Able to organize and conduct weekly meeting at Distribution Centre.
 5) Have a business premise with minimum 50 sq meters(the higher your square meters, the higher your chances of becoming a Stockist)
 6) Able to understand, write and preferably communicate in English.
 7) Willing to attend Stockist Training/Meeting on date and venue scheduled periodically by the Company
 8) The applicant must apply through a Diamond 6 distributor who would also be the guarantor to the applicant.


       If I meet all of the requirements above, what should I do ?
Download and print the Form which you can find in your back office, fill the form neatly.
Then scan it and send to


       Which documents should I provide?
When we receive it, we'll check whether you have the qualification to be a Stockist.
If you are qualified, we'll call you to prepare the documents and we'll inform you to buy goods.
(never buy goods until we permit you to do so, failure to comply will be on your own risk)

1. Stockist agreement
2. A copy of your passport
3. 2 copies of your picture
4. Tenant agreement or Certificate of title if you are the owner of the office
5. Office's photograph (Interior and Exterior view)

<img src="" border="0"></a>


        After I provide the documents, any others need I do?
You have two choices to buy goods
1.  Transfer/Pay N1 million to our account to buy overturn goods and enjoy 30% discount,but no PV.
Send the details of payment to us.
2.  If you want to get PV, you can buy N1 million Retail orders, but NO discount. When you finish, please let us know.


      How do I select goods?
If you buy overturn goods order, give us a list of products of your choice which cash value amounts to N1,428,500.
If you buy Retail orders, tell your Stockist to help you.


      When can I receive my goods and Stockist code?
If you buy overturn goods, after we received the list of goods, you can get the Stockist code in one week and the overturns goods within two weeks.
If you buy Retail orders, after your Stockist confirm the orders, you can get the Stockist code in one week and get goods from your Stockist within two weeks.


Combo means combination of products selected by the company and it enables you to earn instant sponsorship bonus (combo bonus) on everybody you sponsor that included combo in their regular order. The distributor who included the combo in his/her regular order also earns this Combo bonus.
This bonus is different from the normal bonuses (Performance, Development, Leadership and Repeat/Retail bonuses)  and is paid separately.

There are 3 types of Combo;
VIP Combo which cost N143,200
Platinum Combo which cost N65,000
Mini Combo which cost N11,800

Mini Combo enables you earn instant sponsorship bonus (combo bonus) of N6,900 on everybody you sponsor that included mini combo in his/her regular order. The distributor who ordered Mini combo also earns N6,900. Mini combo includes 3 Calciums and 1 SOD Milk body cream.

Combo bonus is  paid monthly. Combos bought in a particular month is paid at the end of the following month.

Illustration: If you sponsored let's say 10 people that bought combos in a month, your combo bonus would be
 10*6900= N69,000

Combo is OPTIONAL if your new sign up doesn't include it in his regular  orders you WON'T earn combo bonus on him/her, however they can still buy it later when they are upgrading with additional minimum products worth up to 105PV.

Tuesday 11 August 2015



As a child, my family lived on a farm in the Midwest. Cornfields surrounded our house and I loved experiencing all of those autumn harvests. One of the most fascinating things I learned about growing corn is how the farmer starts with an empty field and plants actual kernels of corn that eventually become stalks as high as 8-feet.

During this growing period, the farmer would constantly be out in his fields checking on the corn, pulling weeds, and simply spending time with his crops. After the harvest, the stalks would dry up and the farmer would cut them low to the ground. However, by next spring, the farmer was beginning the process all over again.

So, what does a story about farming have to do with successful networking approaches? More than you may realize!

In the 21st Century global world in which we live, keeping up with industry changes means adapting to new technologies, new ways of working and educating oneself on the latest industry trends. Because of these constant changes, it is imperative that our networking strategies involve the constant building, nurturing, and maintaining of strong, genuine relationships.

Yes, I know… I can imagine readers cringing after reading the word networking. And, most likely, you are reacting this way because you have been networking like a hunter; tossing out bait, sitting in wait, hiding in camouflage and hoping something, anything, shows up to attack.

Well, this strategy involves a lot of luck and very little return on investment. Instead, think about the farmer. When you network like a farmer, your strategies build strong, positive, genuine, professional relationships. And, here are four reasons why!

1. Hunters attack. Farmers plant seeds.

The farmer begins planning his/her crops by planting the right seeds in the best soil. Then takes the time to identify the kinds of crops that will bring the most value. So, just like farmers, make sure you take the time to research industries and companies of interest.

Identify and locate individuals within your industry and companies of interest who resonate with you-you feel a connection with them. Look for individuals with common interests and skill sets you admire.  Once you find the best fit for your skills and unique value, you plant seeds by introducing yourself and showing genuine interest in building a professional relationship.

2. Hunters hide and wait. Farmers actively engage.

Once the seeds begin to sprout, the farmer becomes actively engaged in keeping the new crops healthy and motivated to keep growing. Like farmers, it is important for networkers to become actively engaged with these new relationships. Stay in touch, share interesting articles about your common industry, offer assistance, share ideas and help answer questions. The more you engage the more these relationships become genuine and real. You begin to build trust and alliances that will continue to grow stronger.

3. Hunters shoot and kill. Farmers nurture and embrace.

Farmers are aware that some crops need more attention and nurturing than others. And, farmers know that the right amount of nurturing is crucial to how the crops will respond. When the farmer tends to his/her crops, the crops respond back by producing stronger roots, blooms, and eventually fruits and vegetables.

This is a give and take relationship with mutual benefits. Just as this is true for farmers, it is crucial for networkers to turn relationships into alliances that are trustworthy and genuine. Genuine, strong alliances are based on collaboration and support with each side bringing their strengths and unique value to assist the other.

4. Hunters consume. Farmers produce.

Farmers and their crops continue a cycle of give and take. Crops produce and often times create more crops when they spread their roots and drop their seeds. This keeps the nurturing and embracing continuous. This is how networking works as well.

Once a relationship becomes genuine and an alliance is formed, it is continuous. These are the kinds of relationships that thrive and continue to build. They form new roots, produce new blooms and sometimes even get transplanted to create more alliances.

So, the question becomes this. When it comes to networking, are you a hunter or a farmer? The strategy you choose will make a huge difference on your ROI.

By Elizabeth Dexter-Wilson

Wednesday 24 June 2015



  • It can be used during menses by women to replace loss of calcium
  • It can act as an antacid
  • It can help build good eye sight
  • It helps to keep soreness at bay while replenishing fluids that you lost during your work
  • Reduces systoms of PMS and boost energy
  • It is good for strong teeth, prevents tooth decay and cavity
  • In adult it helps their bones be strong, treat stiffness e.g arthritis and prevents osteoporosis
  • Contains protein which helps rebuild muscle
  • It can prevent damage from environmental toxins because it has antioxidant properties
  • It provides the body cell with energy and building blocks that they can use to produce other molecules

Tuesday 23 June 2015


LONGRICH BERRY OIL (120 capsules)

  • It boosts immunity, protects liver from chemical damage and protects the retina of the eye
  • It contains powerful antioxidants that can help prevent some form of cancer, heart disease and it helps to enhance your body immune response to infection
  • Effective for treating hepatitis patient, for good health and stomach issue (Ulcer)
  • Cardiovascular disease (heart disease), Menopause, Menstrual pain and Virginal inflammation
  • Makes you look younger, promotes blood circulation to skin and scalp
  • Protection against toxins such as air pollution, premenstrual syndrome, eye disorder such as cataract, neurological diseases such as Alzheimervdisease and diabetics
  • Essential for normal growth and development in the body
  • It helps the body reduce the inflammatory action and singlet or free radical oxygen atoms like to combine into pairs. Singlet oxygen atoms are unstable and interact with lipids found in cell walls causing inflammation and damage
  • It is also suitable for people with hypotension

Friday 19 June 2015



  • For treating tooth pain, weak gum, bad breath and tooth decay
  • Highly effective for every tooth without any future side effects when discontinue
  • Flourine free decay resistance prevents decay and improves dental roots conditions
  • The blend of strontium chloride and aloe extract can protect gum and strengthen your teeth at the root.
  • It has an antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties of green tea
  • It contains strontium chloride hexahydrate to reduce pain in teeth sensitivity (heat, cold, acidity and sweetness) and helps in building bone
  • Sodium benzoate as its content is an antifungal agent
  • The antiseptic and soft silicon abrasive gives you a clean mouth with white teeth and fresh breath



Due to dirty environment, stagnant water around our surrounding is breeding ground for mosquito. Many has been exposed to mosquito bites resulting to illness known as malaria. Longliqi anti-mosquito spray is designed to help prevent mosquito bites on the body.

<img src="" border="0"></a>

  • Be free from mosquito bite effectively for up to 8 hours
  • Feet as its active ingredient does not cause skin irritation or sensitisation
  • It disturbs the insects ability to locate aanimalsor human to feed on
  • It disturbs the function of special receotiors in mosquito antenna
  • It is sprayed on the external part of the body
  • It does not cause cancer nor is it harmful to the skin
  • Once it penetrates the human body it is eliminated in the urine

Wednesday 3 June 2015



While growing your business, there will be times when you appear more confident than you actually feel. On the outside you appear confident, while inside you have some doubt and worry about the steps you are taking. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions; a positive mindset sets you up for success.

If you find you are stalling on a project, avoiding making that phone call or sending out that letter, examine your beliefs. Old beliefs might be hindering your progress. Determine which beliefs are working for you and which ones could use a tune up.

Ready to get started? Follow these 5 steps to develop a mindset for success and become a client attraction magnet.

Desire to make a change. Having a desire to do things differently is significant. A willingness to explore all options is the first step toward creating a mindset for success. Be ready to step out of the box. Be adventurous by opening your mind to alternative perceptions. Instead of focusing on negative perceptions, begin to develop beliefs which are positive and build you up.

Who do you spend time with? “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn
The people you surround yourself with will affect your mindset. Choose to spend your valuable time with people who are forward thinkers, understanding your excitement and drive. Connect with entrepreneurs who have already achieved the goals you are currently striving toward. If you want to be a millionaire, you need to spend time with millionaires. They think differently and act differently than people living paycheck to paycheck.

Do you know what holds you back? We subscribe meaning to the events in our life. In turn, this affects how you perceive your world around you. Look within to decide if there is a difference between what you say you want and what you actually believe is true. Did you find a belief which contradicts your success? Create a new one which is relevant to whom you are today and your current goals.

Action vs. Avoidance. The last part of the word “attraction” is action. Embracing the success mindset sets you up to take action, striving for new endeavors. You will be driven to do things you had previously avoided. As you stretch yourself beyond what you thought was possible, you will feel an energy shift. Your vibration rises, getting peoples attention. Having confidence, taking action and believing in your success is very client attractive.

Identify your purpose. Deep down connect with the very thing that drives you. Discover your gift, your special talent. Get really clear about it. Discard the excuses for not taking action and following through with your passion. Excuses prevent you from taking bold steps to success.

When you find you are stuck, give yourself permission to seek out support. Many times other people are able to see something about ourselves which we are unable to see on our own. In fact, you will reach your next level of success at a faster rate by affiliating with other like-minded entrepreneurs. Affiliating with success minded go-getters will take your focus to an entire new level.

By Loren Fogelman



Mindset is probably the major determinant of success in pretty much every walk of life. In other words, the thinking patterns you habitually adopt largely govern the results you achieve.
But different circumstances and situations require different mindsets, something that anyone looking to leave paid employment and strike out on their own, must be aware of. Unfortunately, not all would-be entrepreneurs understand the dramatic mindset shifts required, without which business success is unlikely.
So how, as a one-time employee, will you have to think differently to succeed?

1. You’re responsible for all decisions - good and bad. Entrepreneurs have an incredible opportunity to create something from nothing, in a way that’s not possible working for someone else. But this means making big decisions about what must be done, when and how. You can’t wait for things to happen, or for someone to tell you what to do, you must make them happen. Successful entrepreneurs also understand that opportunities may be short-lived, and so develop a sense of urgency that helps them achieve their goals.

2. You need to hold both short and long-term visions simultaneously. Work for others and you are mainly responsible for ensuring that what needs to be done now, is done. As an entrepreneur, you have to project your mind forward, thinking about the potential pitfalls and opportunities that lie around the corner, and making decisions based on uncertainty. This requires you to come to terms with the fact that what you do, or don't do, today, will have an impact on your business three months, even five years down the line.

3. Feeling uncomfortable is your new ‘comfort zone.’ As an employee, you’re used to thinking ‘inside the box’ rather than outside it. As an entrepreneur, there is no box. You see what others don’t, test new ideas, seize new territory, take risks. This requires courage, a thick skin and the ability to keep going despite rejection and skepticism.

4. Learning is a continuous journey. As an employee, you have a job description, requiring a specific skill-set. Being an entrepreneur involves learning many new skills, unless you have the funds to outsource what you're not good at or don't want to do. That could be learning to set up a spreadsheet, getting investors on board, marketing your ideas, crafting your perfect pitch, or using unfamiliar technology. What needs to be done, has to be done - there is no room for excuses.

5. Numbers don’t lie. Where numbers are concerned, it’s enough for most employees to know what’s coming in and what’s going out. As an entrepreneur, you’d better learn to love numbers fast, because your cash flow is what will keep you in – or out of – business. Ultimately, it’s your sales, costs, profit and loss that will either give you sleepless nights or an enviable lifestyle. But without the guiding light of numbers, your business will be continually heading for the rocks.

6. Love your business, but be objective. As an employee, you can go on doing something you dislike just for the salary. As an entrepreneur, you will need to love your business because of the effort and long hours required. But you mustn’t fall into the trap of thinking and acting like an employee in your own company, working ‘in’ rather than ‘on’ the business, a ‘technician’ rather than the person who steers it forward.

7. Enjoy breaking rules. As an employee, breaking the rules could mean dismissal. Entrepreneurs on the other hand, aren’t interested in the status quo – they’re always looking for ways to do things differently. That means acquiring a global perspective, always peering over the horizon, or at least towards it, to where the next big thing is waiting.

8. Time isn’t linear. As an employee, you have a timetable to work to. As an entrepreneur, while you might not be tied to a desk or computer 24/7, you will always be thinking about your business, what it’s doing well and what it could be doing better. There will be no respite – you will live and breathe it.

9. Start now. Most people under-estimate the time it takes to make the transition to entrepreneur, so it’s sensible to start shifting your mindset while you’re still employed, perhaps even setting up a business to run alongside. This could give you the opportunity to develop skills and build experience while still enjoying the safety-net of a salary, something that at some point you will almost certainly need to give up if you want to grow your business.
So, employee or entrepreneur? Is it time to switch? The choice is yours.



At the mention of Network Marketing business lots of Nigerians flee. Their running away could be as a result of bad experiences, wrong information or mis-information about the business.
Seriously, network marketing business is the best investment you can ever put your money into in life

Network Marketing is far away from anything like selling or hawking drugs. Nigerians who started this business did so on a wrong note. I guess they started the way they did based on our get rich quick mentality and short time perspectives in planning. Network Marketing Business is not about buying and selling products, because selling products will not get you rich, as the profit margin is very minimal.

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SOCIAL CAPITAL is the money that exist in the pockets of your social circle, the question is, what do you do with that money? Do you guys just go clubbing or hanging out in joints or smoking cigarettes? Network Marketing harness the power of your social capital to provide an ideal PLAN B stream of income for you. Network Marketing helps you and your Social Circle to work together to build a fortune you can enjoy at a later age.
Network Marketing Company according to Harvard Business school should produce a wide range of repetitive ordered products , so for those of us that has been mislead that the business is about drugs, please be better informed. Most of those products that looks like drugs are actually foods compressed into tablets, Supplements, capsules and syrups as the case may be. So what most of these products do is to supplement the nutrients that are either absent or deficient in the food we consume.
In Conclusion, for those that want to venture into marketing, the good news is that a good Network Marketing Company will not :
1. Ask you to be hawking products
2. Will not be producing one range of products only
3. Will not have a shallow compensation or reward scheme
4. Will not ask you to work independently and strive to outdo the next person


Your autopilot mode can make you wealthy or poor.
Intelligence, talent and charm are great, but more often than not these aren’t what separate the wealthiest among us from the poorest.
Instead, the differences are in our daily habits. Do you realize that these subconscious, second-nature activities make up 40 percent of our waking hours? That means that two out of every five minutes, all day and every day, we operate on autopilot. It’s true: Habits are neural pathways stored in the basal ganglia, a golf ball-size mass of tissue right in the center of our brains, in the limber system.
This neural fast lane is meant to save the brain energy: When a habit is formed and stored in this region, the parts of the brain involved in deeper decision-making cease to fully participate in the activity. However, we all know there are good habits and bad habits.
I spent years studying the difference between the habits of our country’s rich and poor, questioning hundreds of individuals. On the rich side, these were people with annual gross income north of $160,000 and net liquid assets of $3.2 million or more. I defined the lesser-off as those with gross income of $35,000 or less and no more than $5,000 in liquid assets. When I was done, I analyzed the results of my research and boiled down the responses to create a picture of what allows the wealthy to prosper where others do not. My ensuing book became a sort of instruction manual for how to become wealthy.
The gulf between Rich Habits and Poverty Habits is staggering. If you’re well off already, chances are you already adhere to most of these Rich Habits. Integrating the ones you’ve neglected will push you further. But be assured: If you’re doing fine now without minding these principles, it’ll catch up to you.
Some of the differences between rich and poor are obvious, while others are a little more surprising. Here are the most important Rich Habits you can take up to reach and maintain your wealth potential.

1. Live within your means.
Wealthy people avoid overspending by paying their future selves first. They save 20 percent of their net income and live on the remaining 80 percent.
Among those who are struggling financially, almost all are living above their means. They spend more than they earn, and their debt is overwhelming them. If you want to end your financial struggles, you need to make a habit of saving and budgeting what you spend. Here are some sensible ways to budget your monthly net pay:
  • Spend no more than 25 percent on housing, no matter if you own or rent.
  • Spend no more than 15 percent on food.
  • Limit entertainment—bars, movies, miniature golf, whatever—to no more than 10  percent of your spending. Vacations should account for no more than 5 percent of your annual net pay.
  • Spend no more than 5 percent on auto loans, and never lease. Ninety-four percent of the wealthy buy instead of leasing. These folks keep their cars until the wheels fall off, taking great care along the way so that they save money in the long run.
  • Stay away from accumulating credit card debt. If you are doing this, it’s a clear sign that you need to cut back somewhere.
  • Think of savings and investments as two completely different things. You should never lose money on your savings. Try to stash six months of living expenses in an emergency fund in case you lose your job or your business goes belly-up.
  • Contribute as much as you can afford to a retirement plan. If you work for a company that matches your contributions up to a certain percentage, great. Always take that free money when you can get it.
2. Don’t gamble.
Talk about a sucker bet: Every week, 77 percent of those who struggle financially play the lottery. Hardly anyone who is wealthy plays the numbers. Wealthy people do not rely on random good luck for their wealth. They create their own good luck. If you still want to bet after knowing the risk, use money from your entertainment budget.

3. Read every day.
Reading information that will increase your knowledge about your business or career will make you more valuable to colleagues, customers or clients. Among wealthy people, 88 percent read 30 minutes or more every day. Just as important, they make good use of their reading time:
  • 63 percent listen to audiobooks during their commute.
  • 79 percent read educational career-related material.
  • 55 percent read for personal development.
  • 58 percent read biographies of successful people.
  • 94 percent read current events.
  • 51 percent read about history.
  • 11 percent—only 11 percent—read purely for entertainment purposes.
The reason successful people read is to improve themselves. This separates them from the competition. By increasing their knowledge, they are able to see more opportunities, which translate into more money. Comparatively speaking, only one in 50 of those struggling financially engages in this daily self-improvement reading, and as a result the poor don’t grow professionally and are among the first to be fired or downsized.

4. Forget the boob tube and spend less time surfing the Internet.
How much of your valuable time do you lose parked in front of a screen? Two-thirds of wealthy people watch less than an hour of TV a day and almost that many—63  percent—spend less than an hour a day on the Internet unless it is job-related.
Instead, these successful people use their free time engaged in personal development, networking, volunteering, working side jobs or side businesses, or pursuing some goal that will lead to rewards down the road. But 77 percent of those struggling financially spend an hour or more a day watching TV, and 74 percent spend an hour or more a day using the Internet recreationally.

5. Control your emotions.
Not every thought needs to come out of your mouth. Not every emotion needs to be expressed. When you say whatever is on your mind, you risk hurting others. Loose lips are a habit for 69 percent of those who struggle financially. Conversely, 94 percent of wealthy people filter their emotions. They understand that letting emotions control them can destroy relationships at work and at home. Wait to say what’s on your mind until you’re calm and have had time to look at the situation objectively.
Fear is perhaps the most important negative emotion to control. Any change, even positive changes such as marriage or a promotion, can prompt feelings of fear. Wealthy people have conditioned their minds to overcome these thoughts, while those who struggle financially give in to fear and allow it to hold them back.
Whether you fear change, making mistakes, taking risks or simply failure, conquering these emotions is about leaning in just a little until you build up confidence. It’s amazing how much confidence helps.

6. Network and volunteer regularly.
You’ll build valuable relationships that can result in more customers or clients, or help you land a better job if you spend time pressing the flesh and giving back in your community. Almost three-quarters of wealthy people network and volunteer a minimum of five hours a month. Among those struggling financially, only one in 10 does this.
One perk of volunteering is the company you’ll keep. Very often the boards and committees of nonprofits are made up of wealthy, successful people. Developing personal relationships with these folks will often result in future business relationships.

7. Go above and beyond in work and business.
Unsuccessful people have “it’s not in my job description” syndrome. Consequently, they are never given more responsibility, and their wages grow very little from year to year—if they keep their jobs at all. Wealthy individuals, on the other hand, make themselves invaluable to their employers or customers, writing articles related to their industry, speaking at industry events and networking. Successful people work hard to achieve the mutual goals of their employers or their businesses.

8. Set goals, not wishes.
You cannot control the outcome of a wish, but you can control the outcome of a goal.
Every year, 70 percent of the wealthy pursue at least one major goal. Only 3 percent of those struggling to make ends meet do this.

9. Avoid procrastination.
Successful people understand that procrastination impairs quality; creates dissatisfied employers, customers or clients; and damages other nonbusiness relationships. Here are five strategies that will help you avoid procrastination:
  • Create daily “to-do” lists. These are your daily goals. You want to complete 70 percent or more of your “to-do” items every day.
  • Have a “daily five.” These activities represent the crucial things that will help you get closer to realizing some major purpose or goal.
  • Set and communicate artificial deadlines. There’s nothing wrong with finishing early.
  • Have accountability partners. These are people you team with to pursue a big goal. Communicate with them at least every week, and make sure they hold your feet to the fire.
  • Say a “do it now” affirmation. This is a self-nagging technique. Repeat the words “do it now” over and over again until you begin a task or project.
10. Talk less and listen more.
A 5-to-1 ratio is about right: You should listen to others five minutes for every one minute that you speak. Wealthy people are good communicators because they are good listeners. They understand that you can learn and educate yourself only by listening to what other people have to say. The more you learn about your relationships, the more you can help them.
11. Avoid toxic people.
We are only as successful as the people we spend the most time with. Of wealthy, successful people, 86 percent associate with other successful people. But 96 percent of those struggling financially stick with others struggling financially.
If you want to end your financial struggles, you need to evaluate each of your relationships and determine if they are a Rich Relationship (with someone who can help you up) or a Poverty Relationship (with someone holding you back). Start spending more and more time on your Rich Relationships and less on your Poverty Relationships. Rich Relationships can help you find a better job, refer new business to you or open doors of opportunity.
12. Don’t give up.
Those who are successful in life have three things in common: focus, persistence and patience. They simply do not quit chasing their big goals. Those who struggle financially stop short.
13. Set aside the self-limiting beliefs holding you back.
If you’re hurting financially, you’ve probably told yourself some of these untruths before: Poor people can’t become rich. Rich people have good luck and poor people have bad luck. I’m not smart. I can’t do anything right. I fail at everything I try.
Each one of these self-limiting beliefs alters your behavior in a negative way. Almost four out of five wealthy people attribute their success in life to their beliefs. Change your negative beliefs into positive affirmations by reading lessons from the greats of personal development, like Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie and Jim Rohn.
14. Get a mentor.
Among the wealthy, 93 percent who had a mentor attributed their success to that person. Mentors regularly and actively participate in your growth by teaching you what to do and what not to do. Finding such a teacher is one of the best and least painful ways to become rich.
If you know your goals, find someone who has already achieved them. You’ll be amazed by how many people want to lend a helping hand.
15. Eliminate “bad luck” from your vocabulary.
Those struggling financially in life have a way of creating bad luck for themselves. It’s a byproduct of their habits. Poverty Habits, repeated over and over are like snowflakes on a mountainside. In time, these snowflakes build up until the inevitable avalanche—a preventable medical problem, a lost job, a failed marriage, a broken business relationship or a bankruptcy.
Conversely, successful people create their own unique type of good luck. Their positive habits lead to opportunities such as promotions, bonuses, new business and good health.
16. Know your main purpose.
It’s the last Rich Habit, but it might be the most important. Those people who pursue a dream or a main purpose in life are by far the wealthiest and happiest among us. Because they love what they do for a living, they are happy to devote more hours each day driving toward their purpose.
Odds are, if you are not making sufficient income at your job, it is because you are doing something you do not particularly like. When you can earn a sufficient income doing something you enjoy, you have found your main purpose.
Believe it or not, finding this purpose is easy. Here’s the process:
  1.  Make a list of everything you can remember that made you happy.
  2.  Highlight those items on your list that involve a skill, and identify that skill.
  3.  Rank the top 10 highlighted items in the order of joy they bring to you. Whatever makes you happiest of all gets 10 big points.
  4.  Now rank the top 10 highlighted items in terms of their income potential. The most lucrative skill of all is worth 10 points.
  5. Total the two ranked columns. The highest score represents a potential main purpose in your life. Presto!
As you can see, the differences between rich and poor are simple—sometimes intuitive—but not insignificant. Aim to take up all 16 of these habits, and you’re almost guaranteed to become better off.

By Tom Corley

Thursday 28 May 2015



Magnetic strip in the Superbklean Sanitary pad and Pantyliners naturally has a 3 - energy giving property :

MAGNETISM (CAS 115-2005)

According to The Yellow Emperor's Inner Cannon, magnetic force can prolong life, enhance blood circulation, enhance the vitality of cells, speed up the discharge of toxins during periods, increases bio-enyzmes secretion in the vaginal, and help to raise the acidity of the secretions, making them more resistant to infection. It can help  prevent many women problems.


Anions are acclaimed as "Vitamin of life" and "Guard of the human body ". They can purify the air and increase the amount of Oxygen as well as moisture. Friction can prompt the strip to release anions (4000*-6000/cm) which can purify, clean the Vagina and prevent the breeding of anaerobic bacteria during menses, thus eliminate odor, prevent itchiness, resistance to bacteria and forestall diseases within the body.

<img src="" border="0"></a>


Far-infrared can stimulate local blood circulation and micro-circulation, prevent gynecological diseases and relieve dysmenorrheal (menstrual pain) by raising the temperature. Far-infrared can prevent and help to treat men's Prostate condition (i.e the magnetic strip should be activated with water and then place on men's underpants) and hemorrhoids. It can absorb foot sweat and eliminate foot odor. Activate the strip by sprinkling water on it and insert into pair of shoes. Effective in the prevention of the following Fibroid, Fatigue, Gynaecological infections, Cataract, Breast lumps, Arthritis,  Cervical cancer, Whitlow, Mild headache, Old sore, Hemorrhoid, Glaucoma, Fractures. Body and Joint pains, Rheumatism and Asthma.



Today I decided to write something about personal branding. Specifically, I want to focus on the biggest mistake that people make when they are networking: not answering the question What do you do? properly.

This question is everywhere. It has become the foundation of networking conversations all over the business world. We constantly get asked What do you do? But the huge mistake that we make when answering this question is to respond with our job title or the company we work for. So we end up saying things like I'm an account manager or I’m a web designer or I work for XYZ company.

But the fact is, that’s not what they asked. When someone asks the question What do you do?, the word "do" is an action word; it’s a verb! They are not asking for your label; they want to know what problems you solve as a professional. This is a vital concept for us to understand because it is fundamental to personal branding.

If you want to be memorable, you have to explain the problems that you solve.

When you do this, you should explain them in a way that gets people to easily recall this information at a later date. That’s what personal branding is all about. Telling people that you are an account manager doesn’t do much. Telling them that you work at XYZ company, unless it’s Google, doesn’t tell them much either. It will go in one ear and out the other. So if you change the way you answer that question and really do tell them what you do, you’ll do it in a way that they never forget.

Let me give you an example. It would be very easy for me to go to a networking event and, when someone asks me the question What do you do?, just say I’m a career coach. Maybe they would find that interesting, maybe they’d ask me a question about it, or maybe they’d just move right on. Who knows; because I didn’t tell them what I do.

But if I go to a networking event and I answer the question by saying Well, I love to help job seekers learn how to make job search fun. Or maybe I would say I’m passionate about teaching job seekers the new rules to job search so that they can find a job faster. I could also say I am all about helping people understand the right way to look for work so it’s less stressful, it’s more fun, and they get better results. Do you see how I am telling them what I do? When I explain myself this way, there is a greater chance that they respond by saying Really? How do you do that?

When this happens, I am going to get an opportunity to explain myself. And then the chances are going to go up dramatically that they’re going to remember me because we had a meaningful dialogue around the problems that I solve.

So, when it comes to personal branding, if you really want to make an impact and really want to be memorable, answer the question What do you do? correctly! Don’t give them your job title or the name of the company where you work. Tell them the problems that you solve, and do it with passion and enthusiasm. I guarantee that this will generate much better dialogue between you and the person you are networking with, and you’re going to be a lot more memorable.

Joel Caney

Sunday 17 May 2015



1. SHAPE YOUR ATTITUDE – Doug Brown, CEO and rainmaker of Paradigm Associates once asked me a question: “What would it do for you and your business if you became an electromagnet?” In other words, make yourself someone that everyone wants to meet, become friends with, do business with, associate with, etc.
The key here is to shape your positive mental attitude before each networking meeting so that you have the state of mind to attract everyone you meet. A key point is this – when you have had a really bad day, do NOT go to a networking function, no matter how important (send someone else if you can), because you may do more harm than good for your business.

2. HELP OTHERS – Be a connector of people and resources. Be known as someone to call for anything. Go out of your way to help out strangers. You might think that you do not have enough time to help everyone, but it does not take very long if you get organized, have a good contact management system, and keep track of who can be relied upon. If you genuinely look for ways to help everyone you meet, you will become one of the most popular people in town, and in the long run your business will flourish. When you genuinely help others they are most inclined to do business with you or to help you in kind. It is the law of reciprocity!

3. SHOW UP AND GET INVOLVED REGULARLY – Do not do things half way! When becoming a part of an organization, go to most of the functions (without pre-judging the outcome before you get there!); join committees; regularly communicate with the leadership; write articles for their newsletter; do pro-bono work; try to speak in front of the group; look for opportunities to let people know what you do; meet different people every time you go to functions; volunteer for projects, etc.. Remember this is net-“work” not net-“sit.” People need to get familiar with you. People do business with or refer business to people they know and are comfortable with over time.

4. SET SPECIFIC GOALS FOR EVERY FUNCTION – Have goals for every event and function you attend, and write them down. Goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistically high, and time-bound. Let me give you an example. I went to the Chamber luncheon the other day, and my goals included: say hello to 20 people, tell 10 people what I do, meet 3 new decision-makers, and meet 1 potential center of influence. The 10 people included people that already have heard what I do. Why? Because, even my wife forgets what I do for a living. Repetition is important for retention. Secondly, repetition is important for retention. Lastly, repetition is important for retention.

5. BE PREPARED  – Have a short speech (no more than 20 seconds) about what you and your firm do, bring plenty of business cards, and something to write with for important notes. Part of being prepared also includes these 5 keys: be interesting, be interested, be brief, use a direct approach, and have a positive mental attitude. If you attend with others from your organization, split up so that your efforts are multiplied. If you find yourself caught in a conversation of no value to you, politely move on (e.g. it was a pleasure to meet you, I see someone that was expecting to meet me here today so I must go now). If you find people sharing information you want to remember, use the back of their business cards to take notes. Personal information such as number of children, hobbies, and interests will enable you to personalize your next contact with them.

6. ASK FOR HELP – Whenever you join a new organization, the first thing you should do is get a meeting with the leadership or management team. Get an understanding of the political dynamics of the organization; the key players; how decisions are made; what are the most active committees; what each committee does; what gaps need to be closed that you can help fill, etc. Let them know what you hope to achieve from the organization, understand the avenues for achievement, and ask for help. When you are at functions, find out who is there and ask for introductions to people you want to meet.  If you meet someone too junior, ask if their boss is there and if they are willing to introduce you. Tell people who you are looking for and ask for referrals inside or outside of the room.

7. KNOW WHY YOU ARE THERE  – You are there to increase your success, not to drink, eat, or socialize with your colleagues.

By John Barney